Thursday, September 13, 2007

Today is a long day for me...

Sigh~ It's a long day today! And also it's my husband's birthday. Well, though it's his birthday, we didn't get to celebrate it as he was on a shoot for the program called 'The Contender', and will be back as late as 1 am. Since, have not prepared any present for him, I've actually had decided to give him a shirt as a present. Though he did told me of not wanting anything for his big day, but I just felt weird of not getting him anything. And so, I designed a shirt for him. I skipped my night class and rushed down to Paradiz Centre to get the 'present' done. Wala~ my shirt was done within 30 mins and it's simply just too perfect for him! And followed by a long bus trip home. Halfway thru my journey, I had an accident. My bus had actually collided with a cabby. As the bus had gave all the passengers a sudden jerk, most of us fell off from our seats. And I am one of them. I'm lucky enough to hold onto bar; refraining from hitting my head onto the bus mirror. Went to hospital and spent 3 hours there, checking my body from head to toe. Fortunately, got myself with no injuries. In between, I also heard about the Indonesia tsunami alerts and Sumatra earthquakes from the TV news. Sigh~ there goes my plan on going to Bali. What a day man! After having many 'checks' on my body, I actually waited for a cab for 45 mins before hopping into one. What an unpleasant and long day! I'm tired.
Note: This is the shirt design that I've drawn for my husband's present. Thinking of doing more shirt designs over the weekend. :D

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